Disney Momiac

The Magical (and not so Magical) tales of a Disney Momiac

Doing my best to bring you a new tale every week....sometimes twice a week! Also look for Weekend "Randomness", but only randomly....

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Those lazy procrastination days of summer!

Sorry to all those that have been waiting for my Disney Fantasy Cruise tales.... we have been quite busy this summer! After our cruise, we were home for a week, then we headed to Destin, Florida with some old friends. We were home for a week from Destin and then we headed up to Rhode Island for 16 days..... I am still here! I will be returning home in a few days. I have over 2000 pictures and lots to report on my trip. It's taken me quite some time to edit all those pictures! I am also still trying to put most of the pictures together into a video.....I will be updating again later this week with hopefully my first trip report. Provided the Things and I don't get distracted onto another summer adventure! Enjoy your lazy procrastination days of summer! When in doubt, start swaying around like Capt'n Jack and throw a couple of "Savvy's" into your conversation, always spices things up!